Ways To Create  a safe bathroom


Using textured tiles or mats that won’t get slippery prevents falls, especially in \wet areas. This idea will give everyone secure footing despite their mobility level.

Flooring And  Non-Slip Surfaces



Placing grab bars by the toilet, shower, and tub makes a huge difference for seniors or people with mobility issues. Sturdy grab bars provide something secure to hold onto when standing,  sitting, or transitioning between positions.

Grab Bars  And Handrails



With no threshold to step over, tripping or slipping is less risky. Perfect for those with mobility challenges,  they bring inclusivity to the forefront, establishing a safe and welcoming bathing environment.

Barrier-Free Showers



Well-lit spaces mean fewer chances of accidents, especially at night. Put bright, evenly spaced lights near high-risk areas like the  shower and sink – make sure every part of the bathroom  is visible. 

Proper  Lighting



For seniors or people recovering from surgery or injury, elevated seats make sitting and standing a whole lot easier. With their higher positioning, elevated toilet seats dial up the accessibility factor, reducing strain.

Elevated  Seats



Who says a safe bathroom only applies to seniors? Bathroom safety applies to kids, too. Soft-close toilet  lids and temperature-regulated faucets are vital components of child-friendly bathroom features.

Child-Friendly Bathroom Features


Want to  learn more?

If you are considering implementing these ways to create a safe bathroom, book an in-home consultation with  Bath Fitter today. Together, we can tailor solutions that cater to your unique needs – ensuring a bathroom that prioritizes  safety and style.